Saturday, February 26, 2011

Bungee Jumping

After my accident on the river you would think I would take it easy, right? Of course not! Have you never met me before? I was already signed up for bungee jumping and I really did consider not doing it because of my knee but about half an hour before we were to leave I decided I could do it. We climbed 164 feet to the top of the tower and got our harnesses on. It was two girls and two guys doing it from our group myself included. The other girl is tough as nails and I have never seen her back down from anything but when she got to the edge her face went white as a ghost and she said she couldn't do it! That immediately made me worried. When it was my turn to go I think you could have heard my heart beating at the bottom of the tower. They counted down from 5 and I couldn't do it but the second time I just jumped! I have never screamed so loud in my life but once the rope snapped up it felt amazing! My knee was hurting a bit but the adrenaline helped take my mind off of it.
I got to the building to watch my DVD I had purchased and it wasn't coming up. I waited a bit and then someone who worked there came up to me and told me the guy hadn't recorded my jump so I had to go do it again for free. Lucky me!! Not. I did not want to do it at all, knowing what's coming is way worse even if you think it would be the other way around. I was talked into doing it backwards by the guys at the top so I could have a different feeling. Bad choice. Going backwards was so much worse! It took me a lot longer to jump the second time as you can tell by my video. I will try to get my video up soon but I'm not sure how long it will take and I am running out of internet time! Here are some shots a friend got for me though. I should have listened to my mother though because it ended up making my knee a lot worse and consequently I am now on crutches for the next few days. Oh well, it was an amazing experience!

Before the jump with Josh and Julia, missing Tom

Back to safety!

We survived!!

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